Hello & Welcome
Welcome to the Celebrant Club
Are you a newly appointed Marriage Celebrant but you are not sure how to get started in the wedding industry or have you been a Celebrant for sometime and you are now feeling somewhat stuck? Don’t stress, we can certainly work together to get you back on track, feeling re-energized about your future.
Well firstly Congratulations and Welcome. You have chosen a rewarding career especially if you love ‘LOVE’ and you love helping people during some of the most emotional and somewhat stress moments of their lives.
I was appointed back in 2010 and back then I was lucky to find an amazing Celebrant who became my mentor and my own personal cheerleader. Just being able to talk to her as I was starting out, made all the difference. Since then, I have always treated Celebrants to be my colleagues rather than my competitors, even if the feelings weren’t reciprocal. During my personal Celebrant journey I have helped and mentored many Celebrants to build their confidence and their business and along the way I have made many lasting friendships.
Setting up a sustainable celebrancy business is important and learning from an experienced celebrant mentor is a great advantage. I have already put in the hard yards, I learned all the dos and don’ts and I can certainly get you off and running on your own celebrancy journey.

Your Goals
Part-Time or Full-Time
Is it your goal to become a successful celebrant whether that be on a full-time or part-time basis? Did you know that success is different for all Celebrants.
Defining what success looks like for you is an important exercise. Whatever ‘success’ is to you, know that it won’t happen overnight but with steady and consistent work practices and a genuine love for the ‘job’, you will get there.
Rebecca Wright | Wed By Bec
Without a doubt celebrancy is a highly competitive industry and standing out in the crowd is important. I can help you find your way without having to find a ‘gimmick’ to set you apart. What matters most is being true to yourself, your core values and providing an honest, caring, consistently high quality service as this will hold you in good stead as you build your business. Your business and your brand will stand tall with a reputation that people can trust. It is important to remember that only you can be you and no-one else can do what you do quite like you.
Robyn Freer | Love My Way Celebrancy
1 on 1 Personal Mentoring
What I Do
Did you know that everything you do in your celebrancy business is a ‘process’ and it is how you put those processes together which will make for an efficient, effective and sustainable business practice.
With me as your mentor, you will learn how to start or improve your own amazing celebrancy business practice too. I’ll share with you my processes, checklists and methods so you can establish an effective system of your very own.
As everyone is at a different stage in their celebrancy journey, my mentoring is tailored to your needs. We would start with a 20-minute chat to establish what your needs are and then tailor a mentoring package to suit you. Sounds good right!
Business Consultation
how to handle enquiries;
sharing tips to converting enquiries into bookings;
learning how to value your worth;
creating sustainable business processes;
filling in the legal paperwork correctly;
how to use NSW Lifelink;
how to go partially or fully paperless;
how to run your client meetings;
how to work smarter and not harder;
how to effectively use a CRM to run your business;
how to create a workflow that will keep you connected to your clients;
how to stand out at an expo;
learn how often you should be in touch with your clients.
creating checklists to keep on track;
reviewing ceremony script writing;
tips on writing your couple’s love story;
tips on delivering creating & delivering a fun ceremony
running engaging rehearsals; feedback and tips;
housekeeping prior to ceremony;
how to deliver an amazing ceremony.
Practical Learning
you can observe one of my rehearsals;
I can observe one of your rehearsals;
You can observe one of my weddings receiving valuable tips and tricks for a successful ceremony
I can observe one of your weddings and provide feedback and tips.
How I Began
My Why
When I first looked into becoming a marriage celebrant I was told ‘Don’t expect to make a living out of it’ and ‘There is no way you can be a full-time celebrant!’. And all the while, I kept saying “Why not?”.
That was back in 2009 and from the moment I commenced my celebrancy journey, I decided that if marrying couples and all the work that went along with being part of such an amazing moment in a couple’s life, was something that I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed, well, then why not… Why Not indeed pursue a full-time career as a Marriage Celebrant. That’s exactly what I did, some 700 couples later, I can honestly say that I have the best job in the world!
I have now been a Marriage Celebrant for 14½ years and 12 years ago I went full-time and haven’t looked back. I recall being ready but still somewhat nervous as this was me taking a huge leap of faith in me. Since 2011, I have been a top 10 rated Celebrant in NSW and in 2019, I was awarded equal ABIA NSW Celebrant of the year. In 2021, I was rated third with only 0.02% margin separating first, second and third, it was a close race. I am consistently rated as one of the top NSW celebrants by the couples I marry and I couldn't be more grateful for the trust they have in me.
I have always loved being a trainer and I have my Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. I have learned so much during the last 12 years. I have honed my skills, knowledge and procedures to run a successful celebrancy business I am very proud of. Over the years, I have met some incredible celebrants who I have always considered to be my colleagues and friends, many of whom I have helped and mentored with their own celebrancy careers.